Saturday, February 17, 2007

Snowy Morning In Independence

A beautiful winter morning. I love to watch the snow fall. It's not as cold as it has been and I'm sure everything will begin to melt tomorrow but for now I'm enjoying the view.

We've been following the sleep lady's advice with Aiden and surprisingly it's working; he's been sleeping through the night. It's really quite amazing. We give him his bath, a bottle and put him to bed by 19:30 then he gets his "dream feeding" around 22:00 or so. That's the amazing part, he doesn't even wake up he just holds the bottle drinks it down then rolls over for more sleep. He does wake up at o'dark thirty though (05:30). Linda got mad because I didn't "make" him go back to sleep. Heck, I'm used to getting up this early anyway so I just got up with him. He's been puttering about for awhile; I guess I'll feed him some breakfast in a few minutes if he wants but as long as he's content I'll leave him be. He's going to spend the day with g-ma Janie.

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