Friday, March 16, 2007

Cloudy, Cold, Spring Morning

Aiden awoke and got me out of my warm bed at 0653 this morning. He spent the night when mommy suddenly got tickets to go see Justin Timberlake. He was a tired little boy but awoke cheerful and hungry. He's playing on the floor with his "rollerballs." Once again they're all over the house and it will take me all morning to round them up. There's always one or two MIA. Now he's in the dark bedroom doing something.....I guess I'll have to get up and get him.

I didn't run yesterday which was probably a good thing because I was sore and tight most of the day. I fixed Thai Peanut Talapia for "fish thursday" and I was very, very disappointed. It was waaaaay too spicy and the fish was chewy and rubbery. However, I also made some risotto which was terrific. Today we'll have breaded salmon sandwiches with french fries.

Friday morning at the library with Aiden then home for a nap (or, maybe nap first, then library). Hope to get a run in this afternoon because I work the weekend.

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