Monday, September 10, 2007

Monday Morning Run at MAF

As I pulled into Mt. Airy Forest this morning I see proud as a peacock an 8 point buck. This same buck will be seen later on the trails standing proudly in the sunlight displaying his amazing physique. Part of his harem was just ahead. I never tire of seeing these semi-tame beasts.

The weather was relatively cool (low 70's) but still very, very humid. The posted pictures are my friends Jeff Gabbard and Suzelle Snowdon prior to the start of our training run around 09:00 this morning. Surprisingly I was not as sore as I would have anticipated given my back to back to back runs over the past 3 days. I was fatigued but then again our pace was a little faster this morning then it was on Saturday; we ran more of the hills this morning. It's always a treat to have someone to talk with so kudos to Jeff and Suzelle for inviting me along. Thanks to Jeff for such a good picture of Suzelle and I.

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