Monday, February 18, 2008

Happy 81st Birthday Dad!

My dad is 81 today. I talked with him this afternoon about 15:00 as Buzzy was wrapping up his nap. He was in good spirits. Apparently he'd had numerous well wishers call. My brother Danny awoke him at 06:45 thinking he would be up and about!

Buzzy and I made our usual trek to the library this Monday morning for "Storytime." I had forgotten it was Presidents Day but no worries the library was open for business. We checked out several books on airplanes, jets and trucks for him to peruse. After awakening from his nap we watched "Cars" for at least the 1000th time! He enjoys it.

The weather continues to be confounding. Cold and very windy. Yesterday a wind gust blew my huge gas grill across the deck and into the railing breaking one spindle in two and knocking loose another one. The grill had some cosmetic damage to the skirt on the bottom but otherwise I think it's OK.

Lately I've been sampling some late 60's progressive rock: Deep Purple, King Crimson, Uriah Heep, Yes, Emerson, Lake and Palmer, Genesis. It brings back a lot of memories but I guess that's really what music is for...."so spoke the wizard in his mountain home." "The Wizard" Uriah Heep. And who can forget Iron Butterfly and "In a gadda da vida."

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