Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Soggy Parcheesi Board

Rain. The weatherman said it would be off and on but should stop by mid-morning. He lied. It's now mid-afternoon and it's still raining. I don't know why I even pay attention anymore.

Anyway... I got out the door a little after 10. I was dressed appropriately with a waterproof (and breathable, yeah, right) windshell, shorts and my OR Seattle Sombrero. Temperatures were in the 55-60 degree range but it was very windy driving the light rain almost horizontal at times. I was fortunate though because I had the wind and rain in my face for the 4 mile distance outbound to the end of Banklick and then at my backside for the return trip. Usually if I have the wind in my face outbound it changes directions and I have it in my face on the return also. Today though that didn't happen.

I don't mind running in the rain if it's not too cold. Today was about as good as it gets. Warm enough not to be bothered by wind yet cool enough to tolerate wearing a shell to keep most of the wet outside. By the time I got back to the house I was thoroughly drenched and slightly hypothermic. Nothing that a hot shower couldn't fix.

So, by my count for the week I've put in about 7 1/2 hours of running. That equates to about 35 miles or so. If it had all been done on roads I think the distance would have been longer but I'm not disappointed. I have to work for the next couple of days so my next run won't be until Saturday. The longterm forecast looks to be pretty soggy so my long run on Saturday will likely be wet too. Trails will have to wait, I guess.

Buzzy's got some sort of intestinal flu that has him down for the count. It started on Sunday and he's still not feeling well. He's already missed school all week and it sounds like he won't get back until next week. It's worrying mainly because he's never been sick like this before.

Oh, the title, I saw a Parcheesi board with all of the pieces scattered along the side of the road on my run this morning. It looked like someone through it out the window.

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