Friday, September 4, 2009

Buzzy in the House

Matt, Ciara and Aiden arrived from Charlotte late last night for the long Labor Day weekend. This morning Aiden awakened papaw at the crack of dawn (06:30) and was ready to play. We hope to get to the zoo later this morning. Aiden wants to see the elephants and polar bears and crocodiles. And so it goes. On our last visit his daddy got bitten by a lorakeet that tore off part of his cuticle on a finger. It was pretty funny to Aiden and I! He says he wants to increase his insurance before he returns.

I ran yesterday at EI. I thought it would be a good run but it turned into a slog. I think there were several reasons for this. First, it was very warm and dry. The sun was shining ant I think it pushed the temps up into the mid 80's with very low humidity. Second, it was midday and I always seem to have a better run the earlier I get started. Finally, I just didn't have it in for a long run mentally, I just wasn't in to it. Perhaps I'll get something together later in the weekend. Ended up running the intermediate trail and loop 1 for about 54 minutes.

I love this picture of Aiden running. Check out how the photographer caught him completely in the air!

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