Tuesday, December 2, 2008

It reminds me of Summer

Today was cold, windy and overcast. I spent the morning reading, washing bed linens and cleaning. Linda worked this morning. We ate lunch and then did a little more Christmas shopping. I think we have most of it finished and paid for but there are still a few things left to get done.

The picture on the left was taken of Buzzy in the early summer before his mommy's wedding when he still had all of his hair. I thought it was a fitting picture for a dreary winter day.

I tried to get some pictures of the Christmas tree but so far they just don't look right. I think it's going to take a little more practice to get it just so.

I made a pot of chicken/turkey soup that turned out great. We had it for lunch and we're going to finish it up for supper with a hard crusty bread and left-over penne chicken and cheese. Of course we're enjoying a bottle of red wine at the same time.

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