"Let's find someplace and bide our time, Party even when the sun won't shine. You and I are two of a kind Cowards in a Brave New World." -Kim Richey
Sunday, December 28, 2008
A 95% Kind of Day
Kind of a wimpy title but it's the best I can come up with to describe my late morning run. The weather was a 95% perfect. It was the wind that knocked it down 5%. Temperature 38 degrees, crystal clear blue skies and dry roads. I ran around the neighborhood; down Banklick to Maher accross Independence Rd. and back to Banklick into Battleridge and home. 67 minutes in all. I was properly dressed and very comfortable the whole time. Fortunately I was able to run in a direction and route that minimized the effect of the wind.
This afternoon we have our family Christmas party at my brother Mark's house in Crescent Springs. We'll have a house full of kids and 4 generations present with Aiden being the youngest and my dad being the oldest, 80 years between them.
I like this picture of Aiden; a candid shot that brings out the more pensive side of his personality.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Late Afternoon; the Day after Christmas
Linda and I did a little shopping this morning in downtown Cincinnati. I was surprised that there were so few shoppers but I did notice that things picked up around lunch time. Brooks Brothers was busy. There long checkout lines and folks were buying not returning. They have a great after Christmas sale. I bought 3 new shirts and saved about $90. With my new job I'm wearing dress clothes for the first time in 15 years and needed to buy some things.
As I was leaving BB I happened to run into my friend John Meehan and his wife Jenna. I haven't seen him in a few years so it was a nice catch-up. Linda and I usually see John's sister JoAnn and her husband Ed over the holidays but not this year.
Matt, Ciara and Aiden visited Matt's mom and dad and grandmother in Indiana this afternoon. Aiden came home with another car full of gifts and the living room floor is covered with hot wheels cars, monster trucks, books and toy airplanes. As I write he's occupying himself with the electric train which seems to be his favorite toy. Now there's something squeeking and I can't find what it is, oh, it's something in one of his new books and it's finally stopped.
I made some potato soup for supper then managed to get outside for a short run between rain showers. 39 minutes of time well spent.
Morning after Christmas
Now he's playing with the train, his battery powered cars, his wind up jet airplane and his light-up ducks. All at the same time! But the train is still his favorite.
He's now dressed and ready to go see Matt's parents in Indiana. Before going though he has to watch "Monsters." Hopefully we'll get a chance to upload some pictures later.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Christmas Eve 2008 at 10553
Matt, Ciara, Aiden (Buzzy), Colin, Charie, Aubrey and Aaron joined us for dinner tonight. We enjoyed an 8 rib Prime Rib with carrots, risotto and salad. After dinner Ian and Rieko joined us on Skype.
While Aiden was getting his bath we heard a clatter on the roof and a jovial man in a red suit stopped in with lots of loot. Aiden had so many gifts he got tired of opening them; he wanted to play instead! Oh the joys of being the only grandchild and nephew!
Monday, December 15, 2008
A Slow Weekend
We went to the Krogers in Walton on Sunday afternoon for some pretty good deals. It was very warm and windy especially for this time of year. I think temps topped out in the high 50s.
This morning it was 55 at 07:00. Now, as I write this at 16:00 it's 29, windy, overcast and spitting rain. We did a little more shopping this morning taking advantage of some deals for ourselves. Now we're just vegetating with nothing exciting left to do. I'm looking forward to getting some reading done.
Ian and Rieko are home from their cruise. They had a good time. We haven't heard anything from Colin but I guess he's concerned about being layed-off, again. We're hoping that no news is good news.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
It's Cold out There!
A bit brisk this morning but it felt great. Clear skies, very light breeze and blinding sunlight. No one around. I elected to just run through the neighborhood and that was a nice change of pace.
I got up a little after 06:00 and it was still dark out. The full moon was hanging at about 10 o'clock on the Northwestern horizon and there was a light dusting of snow reflecting the light. It was beautiful. I'm glad I got to see it.
I've worked the past 3 days so I'm glad to have the day off. I know next week is going to be a busy one. It's the same every year. Everyone gets revved up for the holidays then they arrive and are over and everyone goes on about the mundane events of living. I hope it will be different every year but it doesn't seem to change. This year might even be a little bit worse than previous years given all the problems with the economy.
We'll make the best of it.
Buzzy's learning to brush his teeth! It's about time. In the past he absolutely refused to even let you try. Now if Ciara can just convince him to use the potty!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Spring morning in late Fall
Goetta for breakfast. A good start to the day even if it's loaded with fat; it just tastes too good.
It's 48 degrees. Two days ago it was 18 at this time. Now that's the upside. The downside is we're supposed to get rain, lots of rain, later today. Then I think its going to get cold again. Oh well, I've got a run planned and I've just got to get myself pushed out the door....More when I get back!
To the right is my latest pic of Buzzy. He looks pretty proud of his Christmas tree. It's perfect for him. Linda says he looks so old! I don't know about that but he's definitely not a baby anymore.
I had a great run this morning. It was overcast and very windy. In fact running into the wind was worse than running up hill if you can imagine that. I've been home for a couple of hours now and it's started to rain. A steady downpour so I'm glad I got out the door. My sore throat and earache have pretty much disappeared. I'm just waiting for Linda to get home then I've got to run over to work for a couple of hours.
Matt just texted (sp) me. He's just gotten word from the Commonwealth that his adoption of Aiden has gone through. Now they just have to wait for a court date to finalize everything. It would be nice if that could happen before the end of the year but I'm not going to hold my breath. What a Christmas present that would be.
Ian and Rieko are on a cruise. I think they get back at the end of the week.
What a lousy afternoon for Colin to be working outside. I hope he's got rain gear.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Evaluation Monday
Linda got home relatively early. We had a quick dinner of filet mignon (from Krogers discount bin), brocolli and buttered rotini. Afterwards we went to the store.
An exciting day!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
2,333,000 Minutes...5 years
"Where will you be five years from today?"
That's the question the book asked me when I saw it at Starbucks this morning. Of course I bought it how could I refuse? It called out to my base romantic nature. But it makes you think, I mean really think, doesn't it? It's something I should at the very least toy with.
Our Christmas shopping is just about finished. Of course Buzzy's going to make out like a bandit. He's the only grandchild, nephew so he's going to be blessed with excess as a result. Hopefully it will tone down in the future but what's wrong with it now. He doesn't understand it at this point and then, you must ask, what's the point to begin with? Well I guess it just makes us (Linda and I) happy.
It's been really cold the past couple of days. Today was probably the coldest day of this late fall season. I don't think it got above freezing and we had a light dusting of snow overnight which didn't help matters. The skies were crystal blue all day so there was nothing to hold the sun's heat in. We ate lunch at Panera and ran into Molly and her mom. It was nice to see both of them.
Came home, watched a movie, roasted a chicken, drank some wine, ate the chicken with cauliflower, drank a little espresso and vegetated. It was a great day.
I came down with a sore throat and faint earache last evening which has persisted throughout the day and continues now. Curiously and fortunately it's only present on the left side. I just try to ignore it.
Ian and Rieko are on a cruise. I hope they're having fun.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
It reminds me of Summer
The picture on the left was taken of Buzzy in the early summer before his mommy's wedding when he still had all of his hair. I thought it was a fitting picture for a dreary winter day.
I tried to get some pictures of the Christmas tree but so far they just don't look right. I think it's going to take a little more practice to get it just so.
I made a pot of chicken/turkey soup that turned out great. We had it for lunch and we're going to finish it up for supper with a hard crusty bread and left-over penne chicken and cheese. Of course we're enjoying a bottle of red wine at the same time.
Monday, December 1, 2008
First of December
Now if you are going to win any battle you have to do one thing. You have to make the mind run the body. Never let the body tell the mind what to do. The body will always give up. It is always tired morning, noon, and night. But the body is never tired if the mind is not tired. When you were younger the mind could make you dance all night, and the body was never tired...You've always got to make the mind take over and keep going."
- George S. Patton, U.S. Army General and 1912 Olympian
It was cold, snow mixed with rain and very windy this morning. I drove out to EI and ran for 2 hours. The trails were wet, muddy and slippery. Quiet. Lot's of deer. The best thing of course was I had the trails to my self. There wasn't another soul there. A great run.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Last Saturday November '08
This afternoon we started unpacking and putting out our Christmas things. The first thing was the tree. It's trimmed and in fine shape. Linda plans on getting some tinsel and putting that up later. Aiden should have a field day when he sees it at Christmas. I hope to get his train up sometime this week.
Hopefully I'll get a picture posted soon.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Thanksgiving Day 2008
This has been a wonderful week for several reasons. I especially enjoyed the crisp sunny mornings. Tuesday and Wednesday I managed to get out to EI for some runs. On Tuesday I completed two-thirds of the circuit for about 100 minutes. On Wednesday Linda joined me and we went out after lunch for about 40 minutes or so. The trails are in excellent shape but a little muddy on Wednesday because the early afternoon sun had thawed things out. Scared up lots of deer.
This morning we went to Mass at St. Pius. Fr. "Rapid" Robbins celebrated the Mass with Frs. Brink, Riesenberg and Bejai (?Sp.). Most folks brought food and non-perishables to place on the altar during the offertory. Fr. Robbins homily was thought provoking. He told the story of a man who was thankful for many of the things we complain about because they reflected how well-off he truly was. Stopped by Starbucks afterward and it was packed!
Spent the late morning getting the turkey prepared, cleaning, making a desert and getting everything cooking.
Finally managed to get out for a run around 13:00. What a beautiful day! Crystal blue skies, cool but not cold with a refreshing breeze. Little traffic. Did a lot of long slow hills which wasn't fun but I enjoyed the mental and physical challenge.
Colin just walked in the door. We're expecting Charie, Aaron and maybe Aubrey; they should be here shortly. I'll be de-corking some wine shortly.
Finally, the following quote was published in a French newspaper shortly before Marcel Proust's death (at age 51 on 11/18/22). This was his response regarding what he'd do if he knew he only had hours to live....
I think that life would suddenly seem wonderful to us if
we were threatened to die as you say. Just think of how
many projects, travels, love affairs, studies, it — our
life — hides from us, made invisible by our laziness
which, certain of a future, delays them incessantly.
But let all this threaten to become impossible forever,
how beautiful it would become again! Ah! If only the
cataclysm doesn't happen this time, we won't miss
visiting the new galleries of the Louvre, throwing
ourselves at the feet of Miss X, making a trip to India.
The cataclysm doesn't happen, we don't do any of it,
because we find ourselves back in the heart of normal
life, where negligence deadens desire. And yet we
shouldn't have needed the cataclysm to love life today.
It would have been enough to think that we are humans,
and that death may come this evening.
An interesting and reflective insight and perhaps on this of all days one to ponder. Linda and I have been blessed. We are truly thankful.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Zoo's Monday
Monday we visited the zoo. It was very cold, overcast and snowing/raining off and on but the upside was that no one was there. Aiden and I had every display to ourselves. It was kind of eery at times. But the fun thing was that we could spend as much time as we wanted without having to "share." I think Aiden enjoyed the elephants (who were inside and close) and some of the cats but the most interesting was the manatee display which was essentially one huge floor to ceiling enclosed glass tank/viewing area filled with hundreds of fish and the two manatees. The manatees just floated around without a care in the world while Aiden stood mesmerized by all the activity. There was also a large display representative of a mangrove or sugarcane grove that was filled with numerous snakes of all colors, shapes and sizes the most memorable of which were several large rattlesnakes. What was distinctive about the display was how active they were and visible. Their case was essentially the size of a small room with floor to ceiling glass so you could get up close and personal. There was also a small, aquarium size tank with several large freshwater turles that were right at child's level for viewing and of course Aiden loves turtles so he really enjoyed that too. Despite the cold it was a worthwhile couple of hours.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Buzzy's Playset
Thursday, October 16, 2008
First "Autumn" Day
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Inquiring Mind Wants to Know
I think I'll go into the "office" for a few hours this morning while Linda's at work. If we're lucky we'll get some rain but luck of course is a tricky thing. Linda's been good about watering our trees and for the most part they look good. The ash and sweetgum are a brilliant golden yellow. The smaller pin oaks in the side yard are turning red. The maples are just starting to shade. I'm concerned about the large pin oak in the front yard. It looks like something's been eating it and both Linda are concerned enough to consider getting an arborist in to look at it.
I'll try to get a run in this afternoon.
Linda and I got out to Mills Road Park for the first time in a very long time. Like E-I there was a lot of damage from the wind storm but most of it had been cleared off the trails. I was really sore so I ran slow and short, only about 30 minutes but I did get some quality hill running. It started out sunny and clear but by the time we left 45 minutes later it was overcast. Thankfully we're supposed to get some rain tonight and tomorrow.
JoAnn, 5 in 1 is 5 minutes running 1 minute walking. It's good for muscle and cardiovascular recovery. Very important to ultra long distances.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Monday's Run at EI
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Tuesday Morning's Run
Pushed myself out the door a little after 8:00 for a quick 8 mile run. Did a 10:30 pace at 5 and 1 so not too bad. It was generally overcast, damp and cool with a light breeze. Rained overnight but the rain really didn't help with our drought conditions.
Posted to the right is the most recent picture of Buzzy after coming to town the past weekend. His vocabulary increases every time we see him thanks to his Speech Therapy and the hard work of Ciara and Matt. He's happy and fun to be around. Linda and I miss him.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Lazy Sunday Afternoon
First day at the new job tomorrow.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Weather Break
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Run in the heat of the day
The man in the accident yesterday died. He was 43 years old.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Accident on Hathaway Rd.
It was late afternoon so we went home a longer way that would bypass most of the traffic and signal lights on our usual route. We were travelling south on Hathaway Rd. when we passed a single-truck accident in a culvert at the side of the road. We stopped. A black pick-up had missed the turn and rolled over in the culvert in front of a nice home. A woman swimming in her pool observed the accident and her husband called 911. A young man about Colin's size, unbelted had gone into the windshield and was draped out the driver side door. He was bleeding, unconscious and breathing. There was nothing myself or another nurse who stopped could do. We waited for EMS who showed up within minutes.
The question I pose to myself is why were Linda and I placed at that place at that time. We would not ordinarily have gone that way. The only answer that comes to mind is: slow down and appreciate/value the gifts you've received.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Labor Day Weekend '08
Today we started with breakfast at First Watch then loaded the trailer for the trip back to Charlotte. It was a short visit but he's due back in town in another 2 weeks.
This afternoon Linda and I visited EI. It was hot and dry but I had a nice run. Linda and I will cook out this afternoon.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Air Show Weekend
The day was blazing hot and dry. We got to visit the static displays of the C-5, C-17 and various other aircraft. Aiden's head was on a swivel as he watched in utter amazement all the different airplanes and the noises they made. We got to see Ian and his crew open the show by dropping the all-women sky-diving crew The Misty Blues from the back cargo bay. I was proud to hear his name announced as the 1st Officer over the public address system. It was the first time Linda and I had seen him fly. There were also demonstrations of the F/A-18 Hornet, F-16 Fighting Falcon, C-17 (it looked like a graceful whale pretending to be a fighter jet) and finally the F-22 Raptor. We were able to get a close-up and personal view of the C-130J after Ian was finished for the day and therefore had "front-row" seats for the F-22 demonstration. What an amazing airplane! Poor Buzzy (Aiden) was terrified and electrified at the same time!
We finished out a long hot day with dinner at Smokey Bones. It was great to get everybody together which doesn't happen very often and incredibly was the second time in a month after Ciara's wedding. Aiden was an angel and really enjoyed himself. He was always up for a new adventure despite the sun, heat, noise, lousy food and no nap!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
One day to go.....
Today will be one of anticipation. It's early morning and we're scheduled to meet Ian, Rieko and Gail for breakfast at First Watch. Linda's up but didn't sleep well. Matt got in last night and he's playing with Aiden. I picked up my tux last afternoon but haven't tried it on yet. I'll do that later this morning. I'll try to get a run in later.
I have to write a toast. That should be fun. Rehearsal with dinner to follow this evening. So far the weather is cooperating beyond our dreams. Cool, clear skies and sunshine! Hopefully that will continue through tomorrow.
Monday, June 16, 2008
4 and Counting
Started things rolling by cutting, trimming and edging the lawn and flower beds. The morning had started bright and sunny but then became overcast for the most part and cool which was welcomed.
When finished I fired up the 4Runner and went out to EI for an afternoon run. It was truly surprising how heavy and humid the air was. I was expecting the trails to be more airy, cool and inviting. It was a good workout.
Ian and Rieko are scheduled to arrive late tomorrow night.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Continuing the Countdown: 5 to go!
After church I ran a variation of my typical Banklick route. I wanted to run at EI on the trails but remembered that there was a mountain bike race there this morning and afternoon. Last year we went out there only to be turned back when we discovered the race going on. It was a nice run. Hot from the direct sunlight but cooling in the shade and not as humid as yesterday. Ran for about an hour and a half.
Buzzy's asleep and when he wakes up we'll go to mom and dad's house for a cookout.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Countdown to Ciara's Wedding: 6 Days and Counting
After breakfast I finished up some painting Linda wanted done while she shopped at Hobby Lobby with Aiden (what a treat). After lunch I managed to get in an 8 mile run down Banklick and back. It was hot, dry and breezy. After last Sunday I took in slow. It felt good. I'd like to try and get back to EI tomorrow for a run but that might be difficult. We'll see.
The wedding is quickly coming upon us. Lots of little things need to get done before Thursday's rehearsal dinner. Ian and Rieko are due in on Tuesday or Wednesday. Gail on Wednesday and I think JoAnn and Tom and family. It's going to be busy. Dinner tomorrow night at mom and dad's house for Father's Day.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
EI on Thursday Morning
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Morning on Banklick
Monday, May 19, 2008
Spring at England-Idlewild
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Buzzy just got home from shopping...
I wanted to run this afternoon but ended up staying at the hospital for an extra hour or so and by the time I got home Linda needed a break from Aiden and time to fix dinner. So that went out the window. Maybe a longer run on Friday but the weather suggests it will be cold and wet. Today was warm and sunny, oh well.
Not much else going on so I'll just bag it for today.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Morning, Easter Monday
Watching "Morning Joe" as the talking heads trash and trade barbs with Obama and Clinton spokespeople. It just keeps going and going...
I still feel it will be Obama and Richardson in the fall.
We will see soon.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Easter Sunday 2008
Mass at St. Pius X at 08:00 was packed, standing room only. Matt, Ciara and Aiden went to 9 at St. Pat's. While they were at Mass Linda and I fixed breakfast. It was delicious: crisp bacon, cinnamon french toast with double butter coffee cake, a real heart attack concoction but it was sooooo good! After reading the NYT and vegging for an hour or so I went out for a wonderful Sunday afternoon run. Perfect weather, perfect temperature, perfect dress; what a run. Banklick road for 8 miles round trip in exactly 1:30 with a negative split for the second half, yes!
Matt is on his way back to Charlotte.
Linda and I went for a relaxing drive this afternoon which we always enjoy and got home in time to finish up dinner. We had a roasted chicken with sweet potatoes, risoto with asparagus and salad. It tasted wonderful. Afterwards Aiden and I went out for a brief walk, it was too cold to do anything else.
Now we're watching Louisvill slam Oklahoma in the NCAA tournament.
A great day!
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Sunday Ramblings (short)
It finally stopped raining and the sun was out on an intermittent basis but it was still in the 40s. We went over to Mill's Road Park for some exercise. Linda walked and I ran pushing Aiden in the running stroller (which I broke trying to fold; it was cheap for a reason). Aiden kept trying to fall asleep on the way home and then only slept for an hour when we put him down for his nap. He got off schedule with the party last night and we're paying for it today.
Now he's watching "Finding Nemo" as I type this note.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Running in Fog
This morning it's cool in the low 40s with a stiff breeze but also very foggy. There is no rain though, which is a pleasant change from yesterday. I got out the door in shorts, long-sleeve Patagonia capilene shirt and water/wind-proof anorak. I added a hat and was good to go. For once I was perfectly dressed for the conditions, not too hot or cold. Ran a moderate route of hills and was out for just over an hour, probably about 5 miles or so. It was a nice morning run.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Rainy Day in Independence
The rain is disappointing but last Friday at this time in the afternoon it was 20 degrees and snowing. We were in the clutches of a full-on blizzard with 6 inches on the ground, blowing snow and another 6 inches of snow to come so I shouldn't complain. I was really looking forward to running but it just made no sense to try and run in these conditions. Maybe tomorrow.....
Monday, March 3, 2008
Sunny Morning before the Deluge
What a beautiful morning!
55 plus degrees, sun shining with a brisk southern breeze. Buzzy and I went for a run in the neighborhood. The wind made it a challenge especially given my deconditioning but what the heck it was fun. I heard a train coming as we got to Webster Rd. so we ran down to the crossing and got there just as the locomotive came around the bend. The engineer even tooted the horn for Buzz. It was a relatively short train with a bunch of empty car carriers but Buzzy still liked it. I was glad we got out for an early start because it's supposed to start raining this afternoon and quite heavily. There are already flood warnings posted.
Buzzy's watching "Cars" as I write and he's playing with "Lightning McQueen."
To the side I've posted two pictures of Buzzy. The first is him enjoying his birthday cupcake on Thursday (his actual birthdate) and then his cake on Saturday. I must admit he doesn't look too happy in either picture. I think he was tired after all the excitement in both pictures.
The top picture is Grandpa holding Buzz captive as we watch Nemo.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Sunday Listening to Ciabnw1 on Finetune
Aiden turned 2 on this past Thursday, February 28. Last night we celebrated at the house with Molly, Charie, Colin and Aubrey in addition to Matt, Ciara, Linda and I. Of course the guest of honor was the focus and made off with gobs of loot! I made the family "marble cake" which is a scratch cake that takes a lot of care to make and the results reflected this; it looked like a refugee from a food fight but tasted wonderful. Surprisingly even though it had a Hershey's Milk Chocolate icing Buzzy wouldn't eat it (everyone else did). We have several pictures which I'll try to upload later. I still can't find my "daisy" that allows picture downloads. I know it's around here somewhere...
Ran this morning for the second time since getting sick on January 19th. It is amazing how deconditioned even a conditioned body can become in that short time. Today's weather has been changeable but a nice portend of spring. This morning's run was under a clear sky and sunshine with temps in the 40s. This afternoon it's been sunny alternating with overcast and a little bit of light rain but the temps are now in the 50s. Tomorrow I think it's supposed to be rainy but warm again.
Matt's grandfather died this past week at 94. He and Ciara are in Brookville, OH for the layout this afternoon and the funeral is tomorrow.
My friend Chris died on February 15 from pancreatic cancer. It's hard to believe. We were pretty close at one time but lost touch over the years. It still hits you pretty hard though. I picked up a card to send to his family when I can get my thoughts together.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Happy 81st Birthday Dad!
Buzzy and I made our usual trek to the library this Monday morning for "Storytime." I had forgotten it was Presidents Day but no worries the library was open for business. We checked out several books on airplanes, jets and trucks for him to peruse. After awakening from his nap we watched "Cars" for at least the 1000th time! He enjoys it.
The weather continues to be confounding. Cold and very windy. Yesterday a wind gust blew my huge gas grill across the deck and into the railing breaking one spindle in two and knocking loose another one. The grill had some cosmetic damage to the skirt on the bottom but otherwise I think it's OK.
Lately I've been sampling some late 60's progressive rock: Deep Purple, King Crimson, Uriah Heep, Yes, Emerson, Lake and Palmer, Genesis. It brings back a lot of memories but I guess that's really what music is for...."so spoke the wizard in his mountain home." "The Wizard" Uriah Heep. And who can forget Iron Butterfly and "In a gadda da vida."
Monday, February 11, 2008
Waiting for the Winter Storm......
Here at 10553 awaiting the winter storm that the local media has been revving about since last evening. Their tractor crawl during the Grammy's was as annoying as it was persistent. They just can't seem to do anything but try to whip people into a frenzy of paranoia and panic shopping! Anyway, as I type it's cold (20's) and increasingly overcast but no precipitation. I guess that's supposed to come later. They're predicting a mixed bag of snow followed with freezing rain and then rain.....
Aiden and I traveled to the library this morning for "Babes in Storyland." He wasn't much in to the story or the activities that followed so we browsed for a bit and then came home for lunch. He started to fall asleep on the drive home so I guess he's just tired this morning. He didn't eat much for lunch and took a long nap afterwards. Now he's watching his favorite toy "Lightning McQueen" as he stars in "Cars."
It's now been 3 weeks since I've done any running at all. I still have a lingering cough but for the first time I think it's all but gone. I'll give it the rest of the week and see if maybe I can get back in the saddle this weekend.
Patagucci has their "Winterfest 2008" starting tomorrow and I'm looking forward to trying to get some discounted gear for the late winter and spring.
Dinner is in the oven and Linda's on her way home so I'll post this baby and get on to cooking.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Another Cold January Morning
Life's great enjoy it warts and all.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Bitterly Cold Morning in Independence
Despite the cold it really is a pretty morning. Aiden slept well and is in good spirits this morning. He's playing with Ciara and Linda in the living room. We tried to make scones this morning but the recipe was not congenial and who knows how they'll turn out. They're in the oven as I type this.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Cold Morning at EI
Thursday, January 10, 2008
This Morning's Run at MAF
The day started out cool with the sun peaking out of high patchy clouds and a relatively stiff breeze. I was definitely overdressed but I'd rather be a little too warm than a little too cold; cold is miserable, warm is tolerable in my book. The trails were covered in winter leaves (mostly oak) and very muddy in places but good shape otherwise. We did two loops but none technical or too strenuous (we skipped the stone steps). Jeff and Suzelle are training for the Umstead 100 in March. Suzelle finished 3rd in her age group in the Sunmart 50 last month! I think we probably ran about 10 miles this morning in 2 1/4 hours or so. It was a good thing we ran this morning because as I type this its pouring rain with lightning and thunder; once again strange weather for January even in Kentucky.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Monday, January 7, 2008
Linda's 52
Can you believe it's January. It was 59 degrees this morning when I started my run. Overcast, true but the sun did come out of the clouds periodically and there was no rain. The wind has picked up throughout the day. My run was the usual out Banklick and back for 8 miles. I guess I could have done more but I was in a hurry to get home and shower so I could pick up Buzzy and take him to the library for story time. He enjoys watching the other children but doesn't really interact with them. It's a nice program and I'd like to take him more often.
Went to the store for dinner tonight. I'm going to grill salmon and have a side salad with sweet potatoes. I didn't buy anything for desert because Linda wouldn't eat it anyway. I did however get some cookies which I love.