Thursday, June 19, 2008

One day to go.....

Missed posting yesterday and the day before...

Today will be one of anticipation. It's early morning and we're scheduled to meet Ian, Rieko and Gail for breakfast at First Watch. Linda's up but didn't sleep well. Matt got in last night and he's playing with Aiden. I picked up my tux last afternoon but haven't tried it on yet. I'll do that later this morning. I'll try to get a run in later.

I have to write a toast. That should be fun. Rehearsal with dinner to follow this evening. So far the weather is cooperating beyond our dreams. Cool, clear skies and sunshine! Hopefully that will continue through tomorrow.

Monday, June 16, 2008

4 and Counting

Busy day.

Started things rolling by cutting, trimming and edging the lawn and flower beds. The morning had started bright and sunny but then became overcast for the most part and cool which was welcomed.

When finished I fired up the 4Runner and went out to EI for an afternoon run. It was truly surprising how heavy and humid the air was. I was expecting the trails to be more airy, cool and inviting. It was a good workout.

Ian and Rieko are scheduled to arrive late tomorrow night.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Continuing the Countdown: 5 to go!

Mass at St. Pat's this morning. Aiden was a handful. A typical 2 year old who doesn't want to sit still. A prelude to Friday evening...well, maybe he'll surprise us! It's a beautiful Father's Day. Light, cooling breeze, clear skies and sun.

After church I ran a variation of my typical Banklick route. I wanted to run at EI on the trails but remembered that there was a mountain bike race there this morning and afternoon. Last year we went out there only to be turned back when we discovered the race going on. It was a nice run. Hot from the direct sunlight but cooling in the shade and not as humid as yesterday. Ran for about an hour and a half.

Buzzy's asleep and when he wakes up we'll go to mom and dad's house for a cookout.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Countdown to Ciara's Wedding: 6 Days and Counting

Busy day. Started at 06:15 with a trip to Panera for bagels followed in short order with a trip to Starbucks for coffee. Home at 07:15 to hear Aiden clamoring to get out of bed. He's been a handful all day!

After breakfast I finished up some painting Linda wanted done while she shopped at Hobby Lobby with Aiden (what a treat). After lunch I managed to get in an 8 mile run down Banklick and back. It was hot, dry and breezy. After last Sunday I took in slow. It felt good. I'd like to try and get back to EI tomorrow for a run but that might be difficult. We'll see.

The wedding is quickly coming upon us. Lots of little things need to get done before Thursday's rehearsal dinner. Ian and Rieko are due in on Tuesday or Wednesday. Gail on Wednesday and I think JoAnn and Tom and family. It's going to be busy. Dinner tomorrow night at mom and dad's house for Father's Day.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

EI on Thursday Morning

Ran at England-Idlewild around 08:30 this morning. It started out cool but rapidly became hot and humid. Fortunately someone had groomed the trails and they were in much better shape than this past Friday morning. I did a circuit of 3 of 7 trails for 1hr and 36 min. It was a great day. Came home and fed Aiden lunch, took a nap then went out to get my new glasses checked. They put the wrong prescription in them! No wonder I couldn't see.