Monday, September 24, 2007

First Day of Autumn at EI

I hate to complain about "good" weather but I'm tired of the relentless heat, humidity and lack of rain. The trails are dry, dusty and littered with withered brown leaves. The trees look pathetic and the plants worse. My run this morning was enervating. I'd planned on a slow easy run of 2-3 hrs but ended up struggling to finish a slow run of 1.5 hrs. It was a good workout even though I struggled. I was fortunate to see a small box turtle and a few deer along with the usual complement of birds and squirrels.

Stopped over to see my dad this afternoon. He's still laid up with "the gout." His right great toe is inflamed and swollen but it is slowly getting better. Aiden was with me for the afternoon (Monday's with Grandpa) and he was pretty good but had several "time-outs" because he kept pestering the pictures and other knick-knacks hanging around instead of playing with his toys but he was really just being a toddler.

Ian was scheduled to do his final check ride today. I hope it went well. Haven't heard from Colin in a few days. Matt and Ciara are at the house while their place is having the hardwood floors resurfaced.

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