Saturday, March 15, 2008

Running in Fog

Fed Buzzy and myself early. We both ate cereal; he Honey Nut Cheerios, me Wheaties. I ate a blueberry scone but Buzz wouldn't have anything to do with one. Our bananas aren't ripe enough to eat so Buzz passed on them.

This morning it's cool in the low 40s with a stiff breeze but also very foggy. There is no rain though, which is a pleasant change from yesterday. I got out the door in shorts, long-sleeve Patagonia capilene shirt and water/wind-proof anorak. I added a hat and was good to go. For once I was perfectly dressed for the conditions, not too hot or cold. Ran a moderate route of hills and was out for just over an hour, probably about 5 miles or so. It was a nice morning run.

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