Saturday, January 19, 2008

Cold Morning at EI

My friend Jeff and I ran at England-Idlewild this morning. It was cold, windy and dark. We started at 07:00 and ran the first 30 minutes or so in the dark with flashlights. It was a lot more fun than I would have thought. Maybe it was the novelty but I'm looking forward to trying it again. One of the most interesting things about this morning's run was the lack of wildlife sightings. It was almost as if the trails and all life were asleep as we passed by. The only sound was the crunching of iced mud and grass as we tramped along. Being down in a valley and surrounded by trees we were protected from the wind and were relatively warm but the moment we climbed back up on the ridges the cold descended again like a wet blanket that was quite noticeable. I think the temperature was around 12-13 degrees when we started with a significant windchill. Certainly the coldest run since last winter. I can't wait to do it again.

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