Monday, June 15, 2009

Yesterday's outing at EI

I wanted to get a post in this morning before going off to work. This is going to be a busy week.

Saturday's run was followed by cutting the lawn and completing other errands. We ended up going to the store late in the afternoon (after a nap) and deferred our frequent Saturday practice of church followed by Burger 'n Beer. Instead we had steak and beer at the house. I ended up going to bed by 21:30 as per usual.

Sunday morning I woke up feeling pretty fatigued. We went to 08:00 Mass at St. Pius and I didn't have coffee beforehand. I noticed the difference. After Mass we stopped at Starbucks then came home for breakfast. Afterwards we went to the discount card shop and bought anniversary, birthday and graduation cards and did some other miscellaneous shopping. Lunch was a light affair of fruit.

Mid-afternoon we went out to EI for some exercise. Linda walked and I did a slow run. It was very humid and warm. The trails were very wet and muddy in a lot of places. They were still in good shape but it was clear that the persistent rain was taking its toll. In some places there were some trees down which suggests a heavy storm came through recently. I ended up running the technical trail which involves a lot of steep ups and downs and requires a lot of effort. All in all it was a good run. So for the weekend I ended up with about 3hrs and 45min of cumulative running. I'd say it was about 18 miles or so.

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